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Thursday 30 June 2016

Josh The Killer / JTK is on Spotify

Josh The Killer, one of the latest Nigerian acts, currently residing in Canada, Hence "The Canadian Experience" is now on +Spotify including his growing library of content (music and what not). JTK is signed to AIC Entertainment, an independent record label which he formed alongside hip-hop/R&B artist ACE and his producer Pharaoh. In order to access what his talent has to offer, you could follow him, and keep up, heres a few of his songs in the link below - Josh The Killer EP / JTK EP

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Assassin's Creed: Syndicate Review

So I have put hours in to AC Syndicate in attempt to attain a 100% game completion rating.
The Frye Twins, Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Whilst doing this I saw more of Ubisoft's magnificent work, the game is art in the purest form period.

Assassin's Creed: Syndicate explores the life of the Frye twins who take it upon themselves to retake London from the clutches of the 1000-year dominant Templar presence led by Crawford Starrick.

Navigating has been redefined, particularly the controls, they seemed new and arguably an enhancement from the configuration of the previous generation of consoles, but climbing up building and trying to jump from them as easily as Ezio did is no more, at least climbing has been aided with the Grappling Hook, climbing down is glitchy and troublesome especially whilst trying to evade chasing enemies.

The combat it exciting and frantic, evidently revolutionary since the last entry, Unity.

Verdict: 8/10 it's a great game! Open world to explore with a vast array of mission types to get through and keep you clocking more hours. It was honestly satisfying.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Review

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs's End is a befitting end to the story of the beloved adventurer and treasure seeker Nathan Drake. Journeying one last time into the unknown to discover what has been long buried, never found or even considered a myth.

Nathan Drake is pulled back into the world of treasure hunting when he finds his supposedly D dead back in his life with one more request; to help him find the lost treasure of Libertalia, a haven created by pirates, in exchange for his life, after promising a mob boss he'd find said treasure worth $400 Million.

Just like every new Naughty Dog game the mechanics are adjusted and a few new things added like the grapple hook which enables easier manoeuvres over wall and gets you to rooftops in an instant. Simply? Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is a combination of every single Naughty Dog project till date. Even Crash has his own cameo.

Inevitably you'd find yourself having glitchy issues with climbing and trying to take cover, this is the usual issue with previous Uncharted games and it shouldn't really be a hinderer to the game in general. It is near perfect but the last act was dragged on a bit too long.

Verdict: 9/10 It is a must-have for every PlayStation 4 owner, not simply because it's the best game for the console itself but because it was made for the console m, which ensures the optimum experience.

Saturday 18 June 2016

Game of Thrones; Sansa's Letter to the Blackfish

The eighth episode of the sixth season of Game of Thrones showed us various sides of different people, their drives, their purpose and tested the resolve of most. This is not a review, I don't know too much about Game of Thrones, only what the show has been kind enough to show, especially as book fans tend to piss about the various changes and omissions by the show runners. This is about Sansa-Stark-Lannister-Bolton's letter to her great uncle for help, I was curious to find out what she wrote in the letter and apparently it has been revealed. I don't know if it does much for you but I hope it clears up the curiosity that sprung when he exclaims "she's just like her mother"!

Sansa's letter to the Blackfish