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Monday 13 March 2017

Horizon Zero Dawn Review

Aloy, Tallneck, Horizon Zero Dawn
Horizon Zero Dawn is a very vivid and beautiful illustration of how the "3005" future meets the gathering and hunting civilisations of the past. Horizon Zero Dawn is the first effort from one Sony-owned, Guerrilla Games, outside the well-known Killzone franchise. A risky endeavour a first thought, but a risk worth the jump.

The events in the game take place a thousand years after a cataclysmic event that robs earth of everything and returns it to the most basic of civilisations, the hunting and gathering survivor. However, what is left of humanity is caught up in a world rid with animal-like machines roaming the earth. The game puts you in the shoes of a young and curious warrior, Aloy, who seeks to find out where she's from and why the world is the way it is.

The story telling sets it apart from other games in the same genre, every quest and or mission is tethered together in a beautiful web which has been carefully constructed in way that appeals to the explorer in you. It is a well made RPG based game, from the skill tree, looting, hunting and gathering and good old collectibles spread across the map. It's a complete balanced diet. At times it felt like a mix somewhere between Assassins Creed (Rappelling Down from high places) and Far Cry's open world (Far Cry III to be specific, the best Far Cry ever made in my own opinion). It wasn't repetitive as different bosses had unique ways to take them down, the world is massive with so many places to explore you forget there's a main story quest to do. 

The interaction between characters didn't make me want to care enough for them, the dialogue between characters was dry or better said, uninteresting. Although the cutscenes did well to makeup for this injustice, it just made me want to skip past the conversations and head straight ahead into the next mission. 

It is a must-buy for every PS4 owner, a title worth the experience - 9/10

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