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Thursday 24 August 2017

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Review

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Another look into the deep and unseen part of the Uncharted mythos, this time the story takes you to a war-torn India to find a treasure which has been deemed a myth, The Tusk of Ganesh.

Set within six to twelve months after the events of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, The Lost Legacy explores the backstory of long time Uncharted femme fatale, Chloe Frazer. In search of The Tusk of Ganesh, she partners up with Nadine Ross, an antagonist from the previous game in a quest to finish what her father died trying to.

The narrative  reveals deeper sides to each character as they interact with one another, Chloe and Nadine begin to have an ever evolving relationship as they continue to work together overcoming obstacles and even their own egos. Starting out as a relationship founded strictly on a quick cash-grab, the ladies begin to  build a heartfelt bond with one another. Their differences also play a part in the story, Chloe being more improv and Nadine being more logical. The central theme of Uncharted has always been about the teamwork between two different characters and how they work together to achieve a singular goal, this title shells out well in showing how two very different women can also make the dream work.

Chloe and Nadine
There isn't much that was wrong about this title, just that it might have been too short for an Uncharted title, seemed like it was a DLC turned whole game (also has the same menu and features as Uncharted 4: A Thief's End bar the Story).

It was nice to play a female character for a change, it was refreshing and does not only succeed on the strength of its character and writing, it transcends the threshold of a performance already set in stone by the previous Uncharted 4: A Thief's End 10/10

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