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Tuesday 23 February 2016

Finding You

In every school, there's always this group of kids that think up a food chain where they're at the top and make people feel like shit because they're shit inside. If you're not one of them? That's cool I feel you, if you're one of them? You need to Eat, Pray, Love and find yourself and if you want to be one of them? Find something to stand for real quick because you're falling into some real shit.

Avoid such people if they are at your school. You'll never be happy if you keep telling yourself, "I'll be happy when these people accept me into their clique" or trying to keep up (stay competitive); jealousy and envy will never take you anywhere but below, stop constantly comparing yourself to anybody, instead create a standard or set of tenets to follow, challenge yourself and monitor your growth, express yourself no matter what people say, be you, be original and stay classy

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