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Saturday 27 February 2016

Pirates: Treasure Hunters BETA Review

Pirates: Treasure Hunters
 A few days ago I was gifted a BETA code by Sony via PlayStation, chosen to take part in the BETA to provide feedback, you know how the system goes. Well I'll tell you simply without wasting your time

Pirates: Treasure Hunt is a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena like Overwatch, Battleborn and Killstrain but it's different where it gives that indie vibe. Basically your a pirate in a team of pirates trying to destroy the totems and stash of the other team and the first team to achieve this wins

It's playful, witty, charming and best played with friends. The art, customisation and gameplay is smooth simple aiming at straight forward fun. The only thing I have against it is that it does not allow online play I sat several minutes waiting to get to play with other people, so far I have managed to get the best out of it through playing C.P.U. The controls need a little getting used to but other than that it's good all round.

It's a good game and luckily it's still a BETA and certain fixes can be made in the final product, I can easily recommend this game to people

Verdict: 7/10

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