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Wednesday 2 March 2016

March Madness

Beach yourself for March Madness, not the college sports not bands, am talking about the massive binge watching to come in March via Netflix.

Netflix is going to release both the fourth season of House of Cards on the second season of Daredevil on the 4th of March and the 18th of March respectively. Over the past few weeks, proper marketing with the use of posters and artworks have been every where, I have managed to snag a few, I am pumped and cannot wait to not sleep in order to be the first to finish the complete season before my friends.

I remember a few months back, Netflix proud of their success were vociferous enough to point out that they would like to double the amount of episodes, Better Call Saul just returned and unlike other Netflix Original Series it comes out weekly and not at once so one is yet to note if they have actually been doubled.

So mark your calendars and get prepared to be sucked in, better catch all your sleep now for even after March is the epic return of Game of Thrones.

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