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Tuesday 28 November 2017

Fire in Fredricton

Fire in Fredricton
Official reports have confirmed that there was a ferocious fire following an explosion in Fredricton area of New Brunswick, Canada last weekend on November 26, 2017. Locals confirmed that first-responders were quick to put out the fire, but it had already claimed a third of the buildings on the block due to its immense intensity. This is one of the largest fires Fredricton has ever faced.

According to police investigation reports, the fire had started at around 2:40 am in the morning after the local rapper by the name of JTK had left his his Mixtape playing overnight in his home studio. The rapper has since been charged for third degree murder, and is currently facing trial in Fredericton's court of Queen's bench.

A few unidentified passerbys had claimed that they had heard a song being played from the building. The song has since been identified by police as "Takeover", which you can listen to here. 

"Such carelessness has resulted in one of the largest fires Fredricton has ever faced, and we cannot allow this repeat itself. We have intel that there are more mixtapes in production by other local rappers and must make sure terminate them all. Projects like this must licensed and done out of town in controlled environments" -- Detective James Doe Anon, New Brunswick Police, Fredericton Division. 

Like many young adults today, JTK is active on social media, and it appears that he had given some hints about his endeavours on November 18, 2017, when he posted a meme about his single "Takeover."

Maybe we should start paying more to what young people post on Social Media today? 

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