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Thursday 23 November 2017

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets Review

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
In the 28th century, special operatives Valerian (Dane DeHaan) and Laureline work together to maintain order throughout the human territories. Under assignment from the minister of defense, the duo embarks on a mission to Alpha, an ever-expanding metropolis where diverse species gather to share knowledge and culture. When a dark force threatens the peaceful city, Valerian and Laureline must race against time to identify the menace that also jeopardizes the future of the universe. The film is based on the French science fiction series Valérian and Laureline, written by Pierre Christin and illustrated by Jean-Claude Mézières, first published in 1967 in the Pilote magazine.

Valerian and Laureline
Visually captivating with beautifully done CGI, Luc Besson fleshes out the buried story of Valerian in a very unique way, with intricate detail and masterful art directory. Unfortunately, Valerian seems to be lacking something to set it apart from other Sci-Fi franchises despite making way for franchises like Star Trek and Star Wars. It doesn't learn the lesson that John Carter did, which is trying not so much to look or sound like the other franchises. However, the problem stems from the fact that it may look like a copy of already existing franchises, when in fact was one of the pioneers of the as Sci-Fi genre. 

The movie seemed rushed; it didn't give us, the watchers, enough to time to learn more about the main characters and even fall in with them, sometimes it was a bit dry with a lot of forced comedy and a cliché ending.It is a good watch either alone or with friends on a movie night - 6/10

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