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Monday 18 January 2016

Education: The System is Flawed

There's no doubt that education enlightens and more importantly assures one of a secure future, the question is how secure is the education? Not everyone that goes through the system is gifted that "good" job, the nice house, cars and holidays and everything that's is promised. Some people never even get to practice whatever field they studied in. A few of richest men in the world right now never completed college, but don't be a fool and dropout as they did if your alma mater doesn't have the pedigree of Harvard or Stanford University. Technological advancement has put humankind in such a comfortable position, everything is easy, in fact, stress should be non-existent, machines and computers do everything for us - +Google has all the answers and so one can be self-educated (the best form of education). However, one still needs some form of education to a certain level to even know how to properly utilise technology(Google) right? Education is very vital to any individual and its benefits are immensely rewarding to whoever undergoes the system. It's all theory, it doesn't teach you life lessons or what you'd even encounter on the job in the future and so academic excellence is somewhat overrated.

Prof. Abletor Sedofia from the University of Ghana pointed out "Academic excellence is overrated! Did I just say that? Oh, yes, I said it. Being top of your class does not necessarily guarantee that you will be at the top of life. You could graduate as the best student in Finance but it doesn't mean you will make more money than everybody else. The best graduating Law student does not necessarily become the best lawyer. The fact is life requires more than the ability to understand a concept, memorise it and reproduce it in an exam. School rewards people for their memory. Life rewards people for their imagination. School rewards caution life rewards daring. School hails those who live by the rules. Life exalts those who break the rules and set new ones. So do I mean people shouldn't study hard in school? Oh, no, you should. But don't sacrifice every other thing on the altar of First Class. Don't limit yourself to the classroom. Do something practical. Take a leadership position. Start a business and fail. That's a better Entrepreneurship 101. Join or start a club. Contest an election and lose. It will teach something Political Science 101 will not teach you. Attend a seminar. Read books outside the scope of your course. Go on missions and win a soul for eternal rewards... Do something you believe in! Think less about becoming an excellent student but think more of becoming an excellent person. Make the world your classroom!"

The message is simple, do the best you can, don't limit yourself to the confines of education, explore beyond your scope, take risks and most importantly, live live to the fullest.

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