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Monday 18 January 2016

The H8ful Eight Review

The H8ful Eight
There's one thing we've always come to expect from a Quentin Tarantino movie, a strong plot, powerful if not mind blowing dialogue and a handful of flashbacks and/or flash forwards. 

The Synopsis; The H8ful Eight is about a bounty hunter and his prisoner finding shelter in a cabin after being caught in a winter storm and as it so happens, they aren't the only ones inhabiting the said cabin. 

Quentin Tarantino almost cancelled The H8ful Eight Project after the script had been leaked, but fortunately pressed forward because of the positive response he received, however, the script has undergone some changes since then and the group responsible has since apologised for the leak.

In The H8ful Eight, Quentin Tarantino continues his tradition of delivering top-notch movie having all it the Tarantino-prerequisites to pull an audience in and leave them awestruck and begging for a sequel every time.

The movie brings back a lot of Tarantino-verse alumni in the likes of Samuel L Jackson, Michael Madsen, Tim Roth, Kurt Russel and they only did what they are guilty of. Guilty again is Samuel L. Jackson of an Oscar nomination-worthy performance, speculate!

Despite the rumours of a third Kill Bill (Vol. III), this was taunted as the last Tarantino movie. If this is going to be the last Tarantino movie ever released? He clearly is going out with a bang.

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