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Monday 4 April 2016

Deadpool Review

Deadpool, borne off the self destructive iteraion in the first installation of the Wolverine origin movies and has since transcended into a guideline for risk takers in the current superhero movie trend; Be Epic! Deadpool is a character that was coined from both +Marvel Entertainment 's Spider-Man and +DC Entertainment 's Deathstroke, mashed up together to give a hell; a mouthful and efficient assassin. Deadpool has undergone various iterations over the years, it's most definitive iteration is the one in the recent movie. It is true that Ryan Reynolds took a risk to put on this skin once more, he denounced himself playing any other superhero (After that awful outing as Green Lantern), and might I add, he did so eloquently. Firstly, they got rid of everything that didn't work with the first cinematic Deadpool and escalated what did, hence the origin story and leaving open wide a door in case +Marvel Entertainment / FOX intend to utilise his character again. Deadpool has shut critics up with it's success, doing well domestically and internationally and most especially dethroning "The Matrix Reloaded" as the highest R-rated movie in history with it's $745 Million Box Office success.

Deadpool is about an ex special forces agent, who after finding out he's ill with cancer, signs up to get treated by a special government division which specialize in aiding veterans in such conditions, promising them a new beginning.

As a result of +Marvel Entertainment 's complex deals on IP's with various studios, Deadpool exists in the same universe as the X-Men and its not surprising that there are characters shared across. Deadpool's jokes and puns are fun, easily understood and dirty. The flash back - forward sequences breathe life into a fragile story. However it is a breath of fresh air from the usual superhero shenanigans. Lots of easter eggs and references to Kevin Feige himself, Spider-Man, Green Lantern and even Wolverine.

Its resolve is quite weak with the cliche bad guy kidnap girlfriend/revenge storyline, the unclear depiction of fictional mutant genome (X-genes) and the power levels of the mutants. Sometimes it reared it's head like a low - medium budget movie as the CGI seemed conspicuous.

it is unique and utterly refreshing, its a memorable movie 7/10

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