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Thursday 9 April 2015

Tidal or Spotify.

Tidal for All
As things look the new wave sweeping the internet is Tidal. With Jay Z backing the new music streaming venture. After various pro's and cons have been weighed, We are looking at How and Why Tidal will dethrone Spotify.

How; Higher royalties for the artists that are on Tidal unlike Spotify where "Aloe Blacc had a song that was streamed 168 million times and he got paid $4,000" said Jay Z in an interview on Fader. Through the extra money received producers, song writers and other record company staff could be paid. In addition, Tidal includes concert ticketing and exclusive content. The clause is that there's a must-pay unlike Spotify.

Why; Many artists will be tempted to leave a system where they are paid less or not at all for all their hard work, rumours are flying around that Def Jam artists are buying the Tidal pitch and we may see the exodus of Kanye West and Rihanna from Spotify, nice one Jigga. Best part is, its ad free no more "Royal Navy" ads in Chinese.

Tidal seem to have a better structured and more considerate approach towards the artist than Spotify has and most people are fuming at the cost of subscription, they should consider the other people behind the music and remember its optional. "We're really not here to compete with anyone" says Jay Z, yeah right like We believe that

However, they are others but as commonly seen or used like Spotify or Tidal. Might as well stick to our always free music on youtube?

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