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Thursday 21 May 2015

Jon Snow; Heir to the Iron Throne?

Jon Snow
Conjectures to give you closure, Regarding the Mystery of the birth of Jon Snow! Arguably, the greatest enduring mystery of the series (other than who will sit on the Iron Throne when it’s all over) is the identity of Jon Snow’s mother. From the information we’re given, we’re told Ned fathered Snow with an unnamed woman when he was out fighting in Robert’s Rebellion, and brought the bastard home, which did not make his wife terribly happy. But we are never told explicitly who Snow’s mother is, and it’s always heralded as a key plot point as the books dance around the mystery. We all have given it a thought, at one time or another, the issue of the identity of Jon Snow's mother. Ned Stark was a honourable man even his enemies believed that and that was what led to his death. Now something interesting has happened in season five, as the show has all-but confirmed the most popular theory about Jon Snow’s mother? It didn’t do so outright, but the show absolutely hammered home key backstory relating to the theory last week, so much so that fans are taking it as a divine sign that all the predictions are true.

The points in question?
-      Littlefinger goes out of his way to explain to Sansa how Rhaegar Targaryen snubbing his Dornish wife at a tournament to give favour to Lyanna Stark, Ned’s sister, essentially sparked the entire rebellion given that she was promised to Robert. Sansa remarks that Rhaegar kidnapped and raped Lyanna as well, which had more than a little to do with Robert’s ire.

-      Stannis chastises his wife who makes disdainful comments about Jon Snow being Ned Stark’s bastard. Stannis says “that wasn’t his way” referring to Ned as an unflinching man of honour.

-      Barristan Selmy tells Daenerys about how her brother Rhaegear was a great leader and a man of the people, as he used to walk around public singing to the common folk. The point is that being kind to subjects rather than cruel can be a good way to rule, as she might become more like the Mad King instead, if she’s too violent and vengeful.

The Iron Throne.
Ned Stark is not Jon Snow’s father. Rather, Snow was born out of a forbidden union between Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. Either he kidnapped and raped her, as the Stark and Robert say, or perhaps there’s some small possibility the feelings were mutual and she ran off with him (hence Selmy’s praise of his character). Regardless, she died, and Ned swore to care for the boy as his own, returning to Winterfell claiming he’d fathered a bastard and stained his honour. If true, our favourite Commander of the Nights watch might be the true king and the chosen one to be on the Iron Throne. And yeah! Yeah!! I have read of his death somewhere, but you never can tell, there are many ways to bring back a dead man to life in Westeros.

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